OSC interfaces OscInterfaces: Simple Particle System, Multiple Particle System, Balls 3 and custom sound synthesizers/samplers/granulators made in PureData [screencast] OscInterfaces: Flocking and custom sound synthesizer made in PureData [screencast] OSC interfaces is a set of simple, abstract interfaces, useful as a visual and interactive base for audiovisual instruments and free experimentations with audio and visual media in context of interactivity and non-linear presentation. All events and states of the interfaces are transmitted via OpenSound Control (OSC) protocol and can be simple adopted to any custom application. Programs included in the package are free from the usual constraints imposed by the timeline, and other common interface metaphors. OSC interfaces was created especially for educational purposes, all of them was written in Processing (in some cases they are derived from Processing examples), compiled for Windows, OSX and Linux (full source code is also included in the distribution package). OSC interfaces package (software, source code, guide) is available here. Detailed guide to the software (Polish language only, at this moment) is also available as single PDF file here. |